Direct report from youth entrepreneurship conference in St Petersburg

The flagship project “Sustainable Rural Development” just finished a two day long conference on youth entrepreneurship in rural areas in the Leningrad region, Russia. 24 participants, mostly young people, from the baltic sea region met to learn about and discuss methods and practises of supporting youth innovation, entrepreneurship and participation in local development. These are the main tasks of the flagship project. During two exciting days we visited a newly started sawmill and a horse breeding company. We were also introduced to some young entrepreneurs in St Petersburg and gained some insight into the situation of youth entrepreneurs in Russia. A report from the conference will soon be avaliable at the flagship project webpage, where you can also read more about the project.

Dimitriv and Daria are both student at the State Forest Technical University who started there own enterpreises. There experience told them it is not as hard as many people think to start a business and with internet the possibilities is better also in rural areas.
Visiting a sawmill where the multi entrepreneurial owner also had cows, chickens and took part in running the local food store. He told us that if you want land to start your business in a rural area you can rent it pretty cheap from the state, but bad infrastructure is often a problem.